Skype User Guide

Skypecan be downloaded and used with Windows or Mac computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices.  The software can be downloaded directly from absolutely free!

The direct link to down load the software is

Once you arrive at that page you will be asked which device you are interested in using the Skype Service on.  You will then see the appropriate step-by-step guide for how to download and install the Skype software onto your device.  This process should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.  For the purposes of your Free Online Consultation Video-conference you will need a video camera in order to transmit video of you to us through Skype.  If you do not have a web-cam for your computer, keep in mind that most smart phones, and tables have these builtin for this very purpose.

If you do not have a web-cam for your computer, or a compatible smart phone, or tablet Ellis Mobile Chiropractic also offers in-person consultations.  For more details about this option click HERE to go back to the Consultation page.