Culture: Empoyee Satisfaction

There are many factors involved in the creation of any company’s culture. A company’s mission, management structure, work environment, employee satisfaction and employee engagement are all part of what makes up the larger picture of a company culture.

Ellis Mobile Chiropractic helps specifically with the employee satisfaction component by introducing on-site chiropractic and wellness programs (This will include a link to the wellness page).

The costs of employee turnover are as much as 1.5 to 2 times an employee’s salary

– Josh Bersin

Why should you care about employee satisfaction? In short it increases your bottom line

#1: It saves you money…a lot of money

Employees with a high degree of workplace satisfaction have a greater retention rate, and as you already know employee turnover is a killer to the bottom line. Cost of sourcing, hiring, onboarding, and training “The costs of employee turnover are as much as 1.5 to 2 times an employee’s salary”. Of course, these are the hard costs associated with low employee satisfaction and high turnover rates.

A high turnover rate brings lost productivity, lowered employee morale, greater customer service errors, and increased training costs. As it is, training costs are estimated to cost 10-20% or more of an employee’s salary over a 2-3 year period.

Companies with a high degree of employee satisfaction and engagement resulted in workforces outperforming their peers by 147% in earnings


#2: It makes you more money!

Gallop found that “companies with a high degree of employee satisfaction and engagement resulted in workforces outperforming their peers by 147% in earnings”

Gallop also found that this increase in earnings was accompanied by:

  • 41% fewer quality defects;
  • 48% fewer safety incidents;
  • 28% less shrinkage;
  • 65% less turnover (low-turnover organizations);
  • 25% less turnover (high-turnover organizations);
  • 37% less absenteeism

Gallop also found that these companies have 86% higher customer satisfaction rating and up to 62% lower healthcare costs.